From Our District Governor
From Excellence to Greatness

Changing of the guard - PDG George and DG Andre as we toured Australia after RI Convention

Changing of the guard - PDG George and DG Andre as we toured Australia after RI Convention

Aristotle once said: “Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives, choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”

As we begin our new Rotary Year, let us keep in mind how awesome we are as individuals in this district!!! It will take our combined efforts to ‘Create Hope in the World," to move us from Excellence to Greatness! We can and will do it!!!

I am so honored to work with you in making this a reality. I have my “Boots on the Ground." I ask you to revisit your “Why” in Rotary as we embark on this journey. I challenge you to develop a plan of action which focuses on continuity. In doing this, you have the roadmap and guide to reach your destination.

Relationships are at the core of growing Rotary. Membership growth is essential for our success. May I suggest, we develop those relationships with like-minded hearts; who have a passion for service; first giving of themselves, intentionally, and authentically.

I look forward to our year as we build on the foundation of those who have gone before us. Together we will Amplify Rotary, as we Create Hope in the World! Let's make it happen one relationship at a time!

Posted by André Marria
July 5, 2023


This Year’s Posts: